
“Gangsta” unfolds in the tumultuous city of Ergastulum, a grim metropolis riddled with violence, corruption, and organized crime. In this chaotic landscape, two unique “Handymen,” Nicolas Brown and Worick Arcangelo, navigate a perilous livelihood, taking on assignments that span the legal and illicit spectrum. Nicolas, a deaf Twilight with superhuman combat prowess, and Worick, a skilled negotiator, form an unconventional yet formidable team. Their journey plunges them into the criminal underworld, where they grapple with tasks ranging from diplomacy to assassination, revealing dark secrets about the city and its enigmatic Twilight population.

A central theme in “Gangsta” is the exploration of discrimination and social hierarchy as Twilights, feared and exploited by society, navigate a world fraught with prejudice. The manga also delves into the complex backgrounds of its characters, shedding light on their intricate pasts. As the series progresses, the characters become embroiled in a web of intrigue, violence, and political maneuvering. Known for its gritty portrayal of urban life, character depth, and intense action, “Gangsta” caters to a mature audience, drawing fans with its engrossing narrative and unique characters.